Friday, March 20, 2009

One of those days....

It was one of those days....Both kids awake at 7am. I've been trying since 1pm to get both of them asleep so I can clean for my mom flying in town next week...Yes it is now 5pm and this is how Turner fell asleep! It was that time where you say, I don't care how you do it, just do it!!! I don't care how you fall asleep and take a nap, just take a nap! So he did!
Few more funny things he's said recently....
"Pretty please with an orange on top?" (instead of a cherry on top!)
"Look mom, I can sink like a boat" (while in the bathtub FLOATING!)
Molly started fussing in the car and he said "MOLLY! you mess with the bull, you get the horns!" ( I died laughing-apparently heard this from daddy while horseplaying!)
He went to the rodeo last weekend with Johnny and Johnny's dad-Mike, while leaving Mike asked Turner "did you have fun, buddy?" Turner looked at him, dead serious, and said " Yeah, were you not there?"
He cracks me up every day! Can't wait to hear the things he and Molly both say to each other!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Molly-"the pillow"-Deakins

So I walked into the living room last night and this is what I found on the floor. Mack laying ontop of Molly!!!!I yelled for Turner to get me the camera and snapped away and of course then Turner had to join in. Too funny! She didn't seem to mind either. I swear he is the best dog ever! He loves these kids so much and takes care of them! He will run and get me out of bed if she's crying in the morning. It's too funny.
We did have to go back to the doctor today with Molly bc she's still spitting up a lot! Hence the towel on the floor next to her. I'm talking massive amounts. So he put her on Zantac today and hopefully that'll help! She has gained almost a pound in a month so not too shabby! Fatty's up to 11 lbs 7 oz!!!