Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Addison Rose Dillard-Turner's new cousin

Turner's New Baby Cousin-Addison Rose

She was born 8/14/08. 7lbs 3oz at 7:14pm. This is Johnny's sister-Jessica's baby. Jessica's been married almost a year to Jeffery Dillard and are very excited to finally have Addison here. Very, Very cute! Turner loved watching her and got a little confused on why we couldn't bring her home with us. Her little mouth and nose are the cutest ever. Uncle Johnny seemed smitten with her also!


  1. Welcome to the blogging world, glad u finally decided to join us.

  2. Glad to see my persistence has paid off... you are a blogger! Yippee! Addison is beautiful! Tell Jessica I said congrats!
