Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Houdini Strikes Again!

Yep, so the first time I was sitting in the kitchen at the bar and had just put Molly down for nap and then I hear in the monitor "uh-oh". I just figured she had thrown her paci out of her crib. Then I heard her knocking on her door and trying to turn the handle! I freaked! Sure enough today she climbed out of her crib twice and fell one time really hard. I propped her door open and decided I'd watch her this time and ran to grab my camera. I only got 1 good picture before I was scared she was going to fall again, she had both legs propped up on the ledge and had pulled herself up with her arms. She's just insane! She's way too young for a toddler bed-She's very very smart too, she understands commands and is so quick to help you with anything but is also very stubborn! She would never lay down in her bed if she didn't want to.
Her ears seem to be doing great but her speech is still behind. We have a check up in a few weeks and I'm sure they will assess that too. I told someone the other day that it's a darn good thing she's cute because she gets into so much! She's trying really hard to hang onto the dining room chandelier! She climbs up onto the table and just sits there and waits to get in trouble! Now she's been standing up on it and trying to reach the chandelier! I've been spanking her but, again she's a 16 months so obviously the spankings are really setting in yet! Doesn't mean I wont stop trying!