Obviously sleep deprived, I only downloaded a few and am headed to bed for the first of a few times tonight I'm sure. She is a doll baby and so good. She very rarely cries, especially at night, she just makes "baby noises" to let me know she's awake and hungry. We went for our weight check today and she's back to her birth weight of 7lb 10oz. Monday at the dr's she was 7lb 6 oz so did very well. We are on soy formula due to spittin up so much, but seems to be doing much better on the soy. Turner seemed "scared" to touch her at first but is getting more confident, he has ASKED to feed her a bottle and for me to bend her down to his level so he can give her good night kisses. SO SWEET! Johnny still can't let her out of his sight! He did have to go back to work last night for night shift and I know it was killing him! Probably not as much as me though! He's been a great daddy (again) and so helpful so it was hard today doing the nights and days. I really can't wait for my family to hurry and get here this weekend to "relieve" me!
I've noticed definetly hard to give Turner the time he wants, but with all the new, fun, and exciting toys, we are having fun sitting down on the floor playing with all the new stuff! He's doing so good though.
We went to McAlisters today after the dr's apt and these girls behind us walked up and said Oh my look at that premie! I just smiled.
Another funny story from the hospital when my inlaws first brought Turner into the room before I was wheeled away for surgery, he saw the IV and all the bags and tubes and said "mommy why are you drinking all that water from that bag? Are you going to spit baby sister out?" we all died laughing! It was so funny! I was very worried about how he would react to seeing me all hooked up, because of how protective he is of me, but he was very sweet.
We've been so blessed with two wonderful babies! I know everyone says, enjoy every moment, they grow up so fast!