So I'm behind on the basics. Molly is now 2 1/2 months old and we went for our 2nd check up ever last week and had some good news and bad news. Good news is that she looks perfect bad news was she wasn't gaining enough weight. Wish I had that problem huh? Why can't someone tell ME that? She weighed 10 lbs 7 oz and was 23 inches long and has a huge head apparently. I dont think she does but Turner did too. I think it was like 90th percentile for her head and her length was 40th and weight was very low. So they decided to change her formula. She's always spit up but seemed like the last few weeks it started getting really bad-like everywhere, projectile puking. So now we went from Soy to Added Rice to help keep it down and add weight.The Doc said to try this and then if she's still having issues then will move to reflux medicine. But So far its been doing very good-it's so thick we had to go get the bigger nipples for the bottles that let cereal through, like Y cut or whatever it is. Anyways, she's still as happy as ever and is such a good baby.She still rarely cries! She's still sleeping through the night, usually 11:30pm to 8:00am or even later. I only wish Turner was doing that. He will wake up btw 3-4am and want to come sleep in our bed. Molly slept in her bed last night for the first time and did super!
So that's where we are now...Turner's still going to PreSchool on Tues and Thurs at First Baptist here in Lenoir City and doing great! He wrote his entire name at dinner the other night and it was actually legible! It was so cute! He's pretty smart but a huge handful! Very very talkative and doesn't care who's listening! He will talk to total strangers and just start telling them stories and invites everyone to our house!!!kinda scary!
Well, hope everyone is doing good too!!!