I know, I know....I haven't posted in MONTHS! I'm horrible! Ok, enough with that!
I'm here now and just barely. It's pretty late, but wanted to let those in the blogger world (if there are still any out there) that Turner's first week of Kindergarten is almost over and he's LOVING every minute of it! He LOVES his teacher and thinks she is so pretty! We have already been told he "likes" to talk! Although we KNEW that! We're working on listening more and talking less! I have a feeling it's going to be a lifelong lesson! I mean really, I'm STILL learning!!! Oddly enough, Molly is having the hardest time of us all with Turner's new adjustment to "big boy school"! She has pitched a major fit every single morning when he leaves and is just sooo sad all day long! She screams " mere NerNer, NOW, 'mere!" which is "come here Turner, NOW!" for those who don't speak Molly, yet!
She's STILL thinks he hung the moon, even though, he can be pretty rotten to her! She is going for allergy testing tomorrow due to a fairly recent and much more frequent break out of hives, full body rash, rash on her faces with blisters and even had some serious joint swelling and face swelling issues one time. All with no explanation. She was eating things that she normally does and is just having weird reactions all the sudden so we are really really hoping to get some answers tomorrow. Her poor face is soo broken out right now and is apparently bothering her bc she is not sleeping well at all. Again, not that I'm surprised that something freaky has arose with her! She really is my 'troubled, high-maintenance' child! I mean just bizarre!!! She is starting to prance around like a little girl should-we were worried Turner's dinosaurs were having a little TOO much influence on her! She just hugged and hugged and even tried to feed a friend's little girl's American Girl Doll at dinner tonight-sooo cute! She's more into taking her purses-that I've been trying to push on her- with her now too!!!
They both really are growing up WAY TOO FAST!!! They are both wonderful and precious is so many ways and so stinkin' rotten too!!! Guess I can't blame anyone else for that though?
Promise I'll repost more frequently about Turner's 1st school year and Molly's new freak incidents and hopefully allergy answers tomorrow!