Monday, November 23, 2009

Great Deakins' Santa Pictures!

Molly's first time to meet Santa! at least Santa's smiling for the photo?!!

This was a few years ago. Still one of my favorites!! Was published in the newspaper for worst Santa pic's also!

So Molly was not at all pleased with Santa, which kinda surprised me because of how friendly she is with most strangers. She will let anyone hold her! Apparently as long as you aren't dressed in a red fuzzy suit, have a long beard, and a goofy hat on!
So, Johnny took Molly away so Turner could "talk" with Santa and Santa says "I'm sorry I made your sister cry". Turner replies "It's ok Santa, it's not your fault". We died laughing.


  1. Your blog is really interesting.I'm waiting for your new post.
    Have a nice day.

  2. Oh my...that is hilarious! Great pic!
