Monday, January 5, 2009

More Molly

Look how big I am!!! NOt really! She's still so tiny! Doing better with the spit-up/puking. But still not great. Turner didn't spit up at all so I'm not real sure what is Ok spit up and what is too much? She has the most sensitive skin also. Which means tons of diaper changes, even in the middle of the night!
Turner has still been doing great with Molly. He can't stand to hear her fuss. Not because its loud, she very rarely cries. He gets so worried about her and comes running to me or Johnny. He's been such a character! He comes up with the craziest stories and has the most amazing memory! kinda scary. This picture of him is him trying to wink! We could be in trouble in the future!


  1. Molly is absolutely gorgeous! She has already changed so much from the first born pictures. Also, thanks for the laugh by posting the photo of Turner winking, that is hilarious!

  2. She is getting so big and she IS beautiful! I understand completely about the spit up and sensitive skin. Connor had both and it was not much fun to say the least. At least now all I have to deal with is the skin issue. We have to moisturize all the time and use steriod cream. I hope you are getting a little bit of rest these days!

  3. Love the pics! Molly is so cute! Turner just cracks me up, he is something else. Glad you had a great visit with your family.

  4. Molly is a cutie and Turner sounds like he would be a lot of fun! We definitely should do dinner sometime. Let me know when it works best for you all and we'll make it happen!
    I'm learning a lot about babies from your blog!
